Umbra, is a home accessories design and manufacturing company. The company sells more than 2,000 home products through over 25,000 retailers in 120 countries and utilizes Mohawk Global’s Customs Brokerage services.
Failing to report the correct statistical data to U.S. Customs could result in a Census warning and delay entry summary processing. Therefore, it was crucial for Umbra to calculate the correct statistical reporting quantity for the tariff number, on a per line basis. Specific information, such as weight of each piece per part number or SKU, is required on any Customs entry. Umbra was spending excessive time providing weights for each commercial invoice line, where kilos were needed.
Mohawk Global offered Umbra its IT capabilities, using an inhouse software program. This allowed them to send Mohawk Global information with weights per part number or SKU. The correct information was then automatically loaded into their parts database with the respective part number or SKU.
When the commercial invoice data was sent to Mohawk Global, any Customs statistical quantities needed—based on the tariff number—were auto calculated depending on the invoice quantity entered for that line. This saved valuable time by eliminating manual data entry for all parties. In addition, there were other calculations based on the invoice quantity that were also auto calculated, saving Umbra more time and creating an efficient process. If an importer can provide Mohawk Global with this information, we are able to store it, saving time and money for the importer to assist in streamlining their processes. The results Umbra found proved that they were able to save about $41,000 a year.