On May 18, 2023, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will allow the option for CBP Officers to notify the Electronic Export Information (EEI) filer of Hold and Release messages.
New codes have been added to the AESTIR Appendix A—
- 97H: The shipment has been put on HOLD in AES.
- 97R: The shipment on hold has been released.
EEI filers that utilize AESDirect will receive the response codes like the current process, via email.
What should you do if your shipment has been placed on hold? You will be directed to contact the CBP port referencing the Internal Transaction Number (ITN) for further instructions on how to resolve the issue. EEI filers that utilize AESDirect will receive the response codes similar to the current process, via email.
By Clarissa Chiclana