UPDATE: 12/15/2023—Recently the APHIS team announced that while they hoped to issue a list of the tariff schedule codes that will require Lacey Act declarations under phase VII, they are now planning to release this notice in early 2024. Erin Otto, part of the APHIS team mentioned the items covered in phase VII are wicker baskets, furniture, Christmas ornaments, pencils, sporting goods, lamps, and kitchenware. She also said over the summer the team identified over 200 HTS codes. They are encouraging importers to review and be prepared to fill out the declarations because the requirements will be effective, six months following the publication of tariff schedule code notice.
In the Spring of 2024, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is expecting to begin the requirement of Lacey Act import declarations for a new set of plant materials and products that are not 100-percent composite. The tariff schedule is under review to determine what codes will be implemented in this phase and once published in the fall declarations will be required six months afterward.
- Chapter 94- wooden, wicker, and rattan furniture.
- Chapter 33- more essential oils.
- Chapter 45- cork and cork products.
The agency recommends that importers who do not currently file a Lacey Act declaration familiarize themselves with the process and procedures of doing so prior to implementation.
If you have questions about filing a Lacey Act declaration, reach out to Mohawk Global Trade Advisors.
By Clarissa Chiclana