Cargo ship on the water

U.S importers must be aware that as of June 30, 2016, deadlines for Importer Security Filing (ISF) submissions on new and current shipments will be enforced. Customs and Border Protection will now be cracking down on this requirement, eliminating the “three strikes” approach.

Furthermore, it is imperative that importers are diligent in ensuring overseas suppliers provide ISF data in a timely manner. This will help deliver a prompt submission of the ISF Information to avoid penalties. Those who do not comply may be subject to consequences that can include monetary penalties, increased inspections, and a delay of cargo.

Be aware and active in collecting and reviewing this information to ensure there are no late ISFs that could be subject to penalties. Are you finding it difficult to get the required data from your suppliers? Contact us for assistance at 1-800-996-6429.

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