Where We Are with the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Where We Are with the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Since the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement was first made public, it has been met with both positive and negative outlooks. On one side, there are those who still fear the effect it will have on the current American workforce. On the other, many see great economic and geopolitical benefits in joining this partnership. Since both…

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Hanjin Update

Hanjin Update

UPDATE:11:44 AM EST Hanjin Shipping has advised that the Hanjin Miami will commence work at Maher Terminals on Thursday, September 22, 2016 (Source). As we complete the third week following Hanjin’s filing for bankruptcy protection, there have been plenty of words exchanged and court battles begun, but little has changed since the initial ripple effects impacted…

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Updated Zika Requirements for the U.S.

Updated Zika Requirements for the U.S.

As of September 2, China has narrowed its Zika requirements for the United States. Vessels originating from the United States, other than the state of Florida, are not required to present a disinsection certification. China’s General Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) states that although the requirement only affects shipments originating from Florida,…

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Ocean Freight Rates Are Rapidly Increasing

Ocean Freight Rates Are Rapidly Increasing

Ocean freight rates are increasing rapidly due to market dynamics this week with Hanjin filing for court receivership signaling their bankruptcy. The ripple effect began almost immediately with many ports shutting out Hanjin vessels and turning away any Hanjin loads. Partner carriers reacted quickly too by stopping any of their containers from loading aboard Hanjin…

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Hanjin Bankruptcy

Hanjin Bankruptcy

Hanjin, the world’s seventh largest container carrier, is filing for court receivership following 5 years of operating losses and a withdrawal of further funding from their largest creditor. Hanjin has already stopped accepting bookings, and several of their vessels have been detained at loading ports. This means cargo onboard Hanjin vessels may be subject to…

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Zika Update: U.S. Shipments to China

Zika Update: U.S. Shipments to China

According to Chinese Authorities, all shipments from the U.S. to China are now required to present a “Mosquito Eradication Certificate” during the customs clearance process. This is due to the recent update stating that the U.S. has been added to the list of countries required to have an anti-mosquito treatment. It is the shipper’s responsibility…

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