Section 301 Comments Are In

Section 301 Comments Are In

Before midnight of the commentary deadline, nearly 1,500 comments were received. In review of the comments, the majority of companies—as well as trade groups from agriculture, retailers, and manufacturing—have told the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) that the Section 301 tariffs on $350 million in Chinese goods have not achieved their aim. Instead,…

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UPDATE: 81 Section 301 Exclusions for COVID-19 Goods Extended

UPDATE: 81 Section 301 Exclusions for COVID-19 Goods Extended

UPDATE: 2/7/2023—USTR is extending the 81 medical product exclusions until May 15, according to a Federal Register publication notice. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) is extending exclusions of 81 medical-care products from Section 301 China tariffs until February 28, 2023. USTR felt this determination was warranted to continue combatting the needs from…

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CIT Rules USTR Had Authority to Impose Section 301 Tariffs—Not All Lost for Importers

CIT Rules USTR Had Authority to Impose Section 301 Tariffs—Not All Lost for Importers

Although the Court of International Trade’s (CIT) findings that the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) had authority to impose Lists 3 and 4A tariffs did hit the over 3,600 lawsuits challenging the tariffs hard, not all is lost for the importers. In the long-awaited opinion, the court ruled against the plaintiffs' argument that…

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