10 Data Elements Added to AES 203 Report

10 Data Elements Added to AES 203 Report

Effective March 22, 2024, the United States Census Bureau (USCB) along with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has expanded the Automated Export System (AES) 203 Report to include ten additional data elements. The USCB authorizes that the additional data elements do not compromise the competitiveness between the USPPI and the FPPI, and the expanded…

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EU to Ban Products Made with Forced Labor

Forced Labor

The European Parliament and European Council have reached a provisional agreement on a new regulation that would ban products made with forced labor from the European Union (EU) market. The new regulation is meant to create a structure for enforcing this ban, including investigations, IT solutions, and cooperation with other authorities and countries. The EU…

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CARM Regulatory Package Release

CARM Regulatory Package Release

The Treasury Board Secretariat has approved the Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) Regulatory package that has been published in Canada Gazette part II. This package is in preparation for the CARM project release on May 13, 2024. What Updates Pertain to Trade Chain Partner Electronic self-service access to the CARM…

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New Bond Guidance on How CBP Sets Amounts

New Bond Guidance on How CBP Sets Amounts

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has published a new public bond guidance—announced in a Cargo System Messaging Service (CSMS) on February 13. The change to the guidance provides updates to the official procedures for determining bond amounts. The following are key highlights of the changes. All continuous bonds are set in increments of $10,000…

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Top 7 BIS Enforcement Efforts for Export Controls

Top 7 BIS Enforcement Efforts for Export Controls

With advancing technology, it has never been more crucial to practice due diligence regarding export controls. Technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing are at the forefront of the Bureau of Industry and Security’s (BIS) concerns. BIS is working to protect these advanced technologies from falling into the wrong hands is essential.  Top…

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