Eight ocean carriers have been asked to provide the Commission’s Bureau of Enforcement (BoE) with details about the congestion or related surcharges they have recently implemented. This request comes after the FMC launched an expedited inquiry into the timing and legal sufficiency of these surcharges. BoE has given the carriers until August 13, to provide evidence that confirms any surcharges were instituted properly and legally.
The eight carriers include:
- Hapag-Lloyd
- Matson
- SM Line
- Zim
Ocean carriers are subject to specific requirements related to tariff changes or rate increases, including giving a 30-day advance notice to shippers.
After receiving the requested information from the carriers, the FMC will determine if the surcharges were:
- Implemented with proper notice
- Properly defined
- Clear in indication of what event or condition triggered the fee
- Clear in indication of what event or condition will terminate the fee
We are monitoring the situation and will provide updates when they become available. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Mohawk Global representative.