A monsoon is not just rainfall; it is a season of its own that can be a tremendous blessing to some and an absolute nightmare for most. In India, monsoon season means four months of continuous rain, which has significant repercussions on transportation.
This year, 2020, has seen one of the most epic monsoon seasons in the history of India. The streets of Mumbai are like flowing rapids and gantry cranes at the port of Nhava Sheva have collapsed with high pressure winds and extreme ocean waves. Among other hardships, this has resulted in significant delays at the port.
The ocean front cities in India are not only the ones impacted. Most rivers tend to overflow and barren hills crumble causing landslides, which can go on for days, weeks or, even a month. These landslides are not only dangerous to the communities they go through, but they are causing considerable transportation disruptions, as well.
India is still reeling from the impacts of COVID-19 and ocean freight congestion. As factories open and U.S. retail accelerates, vessels from India to the U.S. are booked at 110% of capacity. To add to the chaos, companies have begun to diversify their supply chain by buying more from India than they traditionally have. This is causing freight rates to skyrocket.
The combination of congestion, COVID-19, and monsoons are creating a trifecta of supply chain concerns.
If you have any questions or want to check on any impact to your cargo, please reach out to your local Mohawk Global customer service representative.
Amidst all of this, Mohawk Global’s India Center of Excellence is helping clients navigate challenges by providing timely and accurate intelligence, technology, and resources. If you’d like to talk more about our India Center of Excellence, reach out.