LA’s Pier 400 Closed Today; Expect Delays.

Client Alert APM’s terminal (Pier 400) at the Port of Los Angeles is closed today, after striking clerical workers refused a local arbitrator’s ruling to return to work this morning. The clerical workers, who are members of the International Longshore & Warehouse Union, initiated a strike yesterday, which shut down the pier. We do not…

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When Customs Visits a Textile Factory

If you've ever been curious about what happens when Customs visits factories abroad, check out the "Textile Teams" article in the latest issue ofFrontline Magazine. The article follows a group of special agents as they travel to Guatemala for unannounced inspections of textile factories that ship to the U.S. At each factory, the agents attempt…

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Mixed Signals

Where is the economy headed and how will it affect my business? These are the questions foremost on the mind of every prudent business leader in the country. Many leaders turn to outside sources for more business insight, such as trade journals and magazines. If you’re in the logistics industry, particularly U.S. domestic transportation, the…

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Labor Update

Client Alert Labor contract talks are big news on both coasts this week. Here's a recap of recent events. U.S. East Coast Ports * negotiations continue between ILA union and employers with help of federal mediators * talks take a negative turn this week according to public statements made by both sides USMX: USMX Urges…

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Update: Transpacific Carriers Delay Rate Increase

Client Alert Update: Carriers have delayed implementing the increases listed below until December 15. Transpacific ocean carriers have announced a general rate increase, effective December 15, for containers moving from Asia to all U.S. and Canada destinations. We've listed the increases below. All amounts are in USD. We will continue to work with the carriers…

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Status of East Coast Ports Post-Sandy

Client Alert Here is the latest news on the status of several East Coast ports following Hurricane Sandy. New York/New Jersey Closed until further notice.  The port endured extensive damage and flooding from the hurricane. Port operations are suspended while clean up gets underway. A video released by the Coast Guard on Tuesday shows the extent of…

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Revamped Customs Entry Checklist

Are you auditing your import entry files? Are the audits documented? Mohawk's new and improved (and free) Customs Entry and Recordkeeping Checklist is here to help. Use our checklist to make sure your entry files are complete and correct. Our checklist covers: documents included in the entry file entry summary details accounts payable record check…

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Importer Freebie: Customs Valuation Methods

Are you using the correct Customs valuation method? We’ve developed a diagram to help you calculate it. Use our free diagram as a reference in conjunction with a trusted Customs expert, such as a Customs broker. Importers should always consult with their broker on matters of valuation to ensure their goods are properly appraised. Download:…

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