Blank Sailings Continue Through the End of May

Blank Sailings Continue Through the End of May

Capacity management is well underway as carriers issue more blank sailings. This is due to the drop of imports coming from Asia and the seventh consecutive week of spot-rate declines, according to the JOC. In February and March, carriers announced 35 blank sailings, which includes 22 to the West Coast and 13 to the East…

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3/22 New Composite Wood Emission Regulations

3/22 New Composite Wood Emission Regulations

Your window frame, shower stall or even bedroom door are all examples of household products that are created with composite wood. Composite wood products contain hardwood plywood, fiberboard or particleboard. These materials often contain formaldehyde, which can cause several adverse health effects, if exposure reaches a dangerous level. The government has created regulations to restrict…

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India and Turkey Removed from GSP

India and Turkey Removed from GSP

Two of the largest beneficiaries—India and Turkey—of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) will be removed from the program, according to an announcement from the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). India will be cut from the program because it is not providing “equitable and reasonable access to its markets in numerous sectors.” Turkey is being removed…

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