U.S. Customs Delays Mandatory ACE Entry Filing

U.S. Customs Delays Mandatory ACE Entry Filing

In response to heavy push back from the trade, participating government agencies, and software providers, U.S. Customs & Border (CBP) recently announced that it will delay the start of mandatory ACE entry filing from November 1 of this year to February 28, 2016. November 1 will instead mark the beginning of what Customs is calling…

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Update: TPA Passes After Being Tacked onto New Bill

Update: TPA Passes After Being Tacked onto New Bill

As a follow-up to last month’s article, Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) was tagged onto the Defending Public Safety Employees’ Retirement Act and signed into law on June 29. Before TPA was enacted, supporting and opposing parties agreed on one thing: it would assist in locking down the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Also known as “fast-track,” TPA…

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Pair of Typhoons Shuts Down Southern China

Pair of Typhoons Shuts Down Southern China

Thousands have been evacuated throughout southern China following landfall of Typhoon Linfa earlier this week and in anticipation of incoming Typhoon Chan-hom. Typhoon Linfa hit the southern coast of China on Thursday, prompting the closure of Hong Kong International Airport that afternoon. Chan-hom is expected to touch down on Saturday in Fujian or Zhejiang province.…

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Is Your U.S. Company Owed Money?

Is Your U.S. Company Owed Money?

If your company competed against unfairly subsidized imports shipped between October 1, 2000 and October 1, 2007, you may be eligible for some extra cash. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), antidumping or countervailing duties (AD/CV) collected during this seven year period will be distributed to certain U.S. domestic companies, as the Federal…

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Uncover the Secrets: Trans-Pacific Partnership

Uncover the Secrets: Trans-Pacific Partnership

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an international trade agreement being negotiated behind closed doors, continues to spark controversy among U.S exporters and the world. Originally, in 2005, TPP was a four party agreement between New Zealand, Chile, Singapore, and Brunei. Since then, the trade agreement expanded its membership to include the U.S, Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia,…

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Truckers Strike at LA/Long Beach Ports

Truckers Strike at LA/Long Beach Ports

Truck drivers from four companies are on strike this morning at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. According to a spokeswoman for the union, many drivers are complaining of “persistent wage theft” from employers because they are considered “independent contractors” rather than full-time employees. About 200 truckers are reported to be on the…

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