Got Marine Cargo Insurance?

Photos of the MSC Chitra used with permission from the Law Offices of Countryman & McDaniel at If a container vessel has an accident and needs to be towed to shore, who pays for the towing? Believe it or not, if the vessel can be saved, the shippers with cargo still on-board and the…

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The 4 Most Common Export Reporting Errors

Since the beginning of this year, U.S. Customs has issued penalties for 1,300 Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing errors. If you're an U.S. exporter, watch out for these violations—the four most common export reporting errors according to U.S. Customs. EEI data elements—15 CFR 30.6 Incorrect port of export, etc. EEI filing procedures/deadlines—15 CFR 30.4 Late…

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Free PDF: How to Screen Sanctioned Person & Entities

Use this decision tree diagram to guide you through the screening process for sanctioned persons and entities (see Export Administration Regulations/EAR Part 744 + 764). Combine this check with diversion risk red flag checks, end-use checks, antiboycott checks, etc. in the screening procedures section of your export compliance manual. Sanctioned Persons & Entities Check [PDF]…

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A Newbie’s Guide to Export Controls

New to exports and looking for a crash course on export controls? Download this three page guide, compiled from the Bureau of Industry and Security, for a straight forward introduction to the Export Administration Regulations and how to use them. What's covered -What is an export? -Export licenses -Export Control Classification Numbers -Restricted destinations -Prohibited…

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14 Red Flags for Export Violations

It is vital to national security that U.S. exporters remain on the look out for any abnormal circumstances in their transactions that indicate that the export may be destined for an inappropriate end-use, end-user, or destination. These circumstances are known as “red flags”. The Bureau of Industry and Security has developed a list of such…

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