China Approves Export Control Law

China Approves Export Control Law

China has approved a new structure for regulating certain exports which include sensitive products, services, and data. The Republic of China’s National People’s Congress Standing Committee has approved this Export Control Law (ECL) to protect China’s national security. The law will go into effect on December 1, 2020. The ECL will be implemented by state…

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Unprecedented Equipment Shortage in India Creates Crisis

Unprecedented Equipment Shortage in India Creates Crisis

India is dealing with the worst container equipment shortage in its documented history. The world’s most severe pandemic induced lockdown, combined with falling consumption, blank sailings, and shipping lines’ desire to reposition containers to more lucrative trades has created a severe short fall at all inland points and most ports. India, a country of 1.3…

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Census Clarification on BIS EEI Filing Requirements

Census Clarification on BIS EEI Filing Requirements

After receiving several questions regarding the Bureau of Industry and Security’s (BIS) April rule on military exports, The Census Bureau has issued guidance on the mandatory filing requirements that were defined in the rule. The rule increased due diligence requirements for certain exports to Russia, Venezuela, and China, and requires certain Electronic Export Information (EEI)…

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BIS Emerging Tech Export Controls

BIS Emerging Tech Export Controls

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has announced new export controls on six emerging technologies. These controls were agreed to by Wassenaar Arrangement members during its 2019 plenary. The final rule also makes changes to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The Restrictions: The final rule, effective Oct. 5, corrects one Export Control Classification Number…

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FDA Updated Biennial Food Facility Registration Requirements Effective Oct. 1, 2020.

FDA Updated Biennial Food Facility Registration Requirements Effective Oct. 1, 2020.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has updated their biennial FDA food facility registration requirements. Food facilities will be required to provide a Unique Facility Identifier (UFI) when registering with FDA or renewing FDA registration. The FDA has provided guidance on recognition of acceptable UFIs. The FDA has also stated that they  recognize the…

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