Building Your Social Compliance System

Reduce the chances of child/forced labor in your supply chain. Use the Department of Labor's new toolkit to start building your company's social compliance system. The Reducing Child Labor & Forced Labor Toolkit was created specifically for companies wanting to put a social compliance system in place. Focused on practices for companies that produce goods, rather…

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East Coast Contract Talks Break Down, Increase Likelihood of Port Strike

Client Alert Contract talks broke down yesterday between representatives for the International Longshoreman’s Association (ILA) and U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX). As they met during scheduled talks on Tuesday, container royalty fees remained the most contentious issue between labor and management. Although both sides were willing to discuss the possibility of an additional contract extension, negotiations…

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ILA OK’s Strike for 12/29 If No New Contract in Place

Client Alert The International Longshoreman’s Association (ILA) voted to authorize union president, Harold Daggett, to call a strike if negotiations with the U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX) don’t result in a new contract by December 29—the date their current contract expires. This does not necessarily mean that the ILA will strike, only that it is more…

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Los Angeles/Long Beach Strike Ends

Client Alert Los Angeles/Long Beach port workers are back on the job this morning, after members of the office clerical unit reached an agreement with their employers on new contract terms last night. Now the clean-up begins. Expect cargo delays as port terminal staff, truckers, and rail operators will be at capacity for the next few weeks.…

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U.S. East/West Coast Labor Updates

Client Alert Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach The strike that started at L.A.’s Pier 400 last week has spread, shutting down 10 of the 14 cargo container terminals at the nation's busiest seaport complex. These terminals, including Pier 400, remain closed and clerical workers continue to picket today, despite negotiations between employers and union workers…

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