International Transport Guidance on Lithium-ion Batteries

International Transport Guidance on Lithium-ion Batteries

Together with several industry bodies the global carrier, Cargo Incident Notification and System Networks (CINS) have compiled and published The Lithium-ion Batteries in Containers Guidelines in an effort to prevent the increasing risks that the transport of lithium-ion batteries by sea creates, providing suggestions for identifying such risks. In recent years, serious, and sometimes catastrophic…

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FDA Unique Facility Identifier Required

FDA Unique Facility Identifier Required

The policy of enforcement discretion that allowed registrants to enter “pending unique facility identifier (UFI) Option” has now been terminated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on March 10, 2023. The agency resolved that there has been enough time for facilities to obtain a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number since October 2020. “The…

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UPDATED: Phase VII of Lacey Act Enforcement

UPDATED: Phase VII of Lacey Act Enforcement

UPDATE: 12/15/2023—Recently the APHIS team announced that while they hoped to issue a list of the tariff schedule codes that will require Lacey Act declarations under phase VII, they are now planning to release this notice in early 2024. Erin Otto, part of the APHIS team mentioned the items covered in phase VII are wicker…

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New Reporting for Imports of Aluminum Products

New Reporting for Imports of Aluminum Products

New Aluminum Smelt and Cast import declaration reporting are scheduled to go into effect on May 10, 2023. Proclamation 10522 issued by the President states that any imports of aluminum or aluminum derivative articles from Russia—effective March 10, 2023—or where any amount of primary aluminum used in the manufacture of the aluminum articles is smelted…

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Tri‐Seal Compliance Note

Tri‐Seal Compliance Note

In the Tri-Seal Compliance Note U.S. enforcement agencies stress the aim to squash third‐party intermediaries used to evade Russia‐related sanctions and export controls. This is said to be one of the most common tactics Russia is using to help “disguise their involvement” the agencies said. The note—from the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), Treasury’s…

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200% Tariffs on Russian Aluminum

200% Tariffs on Russian Aluminum

Beginning March 10, 2023, the U.S. takes action to support Ukraine and hold Russia accountable. Tariff hikes are now 200% on Russian aluminum exports, including derivative products, and, beginning on April 10, 2023, aluminum articles from other countries that used any aluminum from Russia will also be tariffed at 200%, unless those third countries also…

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New U.S. Sanctions Against Russia

New U.S. Sanctions Against Russia

A rush of new export controls and sanctions activity from the U.S. Departments of Treasury, Commerce, and State have been enacted on the one-year anniversary of its invasion of Ukraine. The Of­fice of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) also announced a range of new Russia sanctions, including new restrictions targeting the country’s metals and mining sector…

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AD/CVD Tool Completes Phase 2 in Modernized ACE Portal

AD/CVD Tool Completes Phase 2 in Modernized ACE Portal

The Automated Commercial Environment Secure Data Portal (ACE Portal) offers users real-time access to trade data through features such as ACE Reports, ACE account management, and electronic communication with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Partner Government Agencies (PGA). CBP is modernizing the ACE Portal over multiple phases in 2022 and 2023. The modernization effort will…

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