How Important is it to Screen Your Suppliers? Ask ZTE.

How Important is it to Screen Your Suppliers? Ask ZTE.

I recently took an Uber in New York City and noticed that the drivers tend to have their smartphones mounted on their dash to allow them to use city maps. What humored me was seeing that my driver didn’t have the most common iPhone or Samsung Galaxy device, instead he had a Zhongxing Telecommunications Equipment…

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BIS Clarifies EAR License Exceptions GOV and STA

BIS Clarifies EAR License Exceptions GOV and STA

Intending to assist exporters, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) issued a final rule, on November 1, that gives guidance on two Export Administration Regulations (EAR) license exceptions. This rule makes three clarifications to license exception Governments, International Organizations, International Inspections under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and the International Space Station (GOV). It also…

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Is that a Legitimate Export Customer or an Illegal Front Company?

Is that a Legitimate Export Customer or an Illegal Front Company?

The U.S. government remains concerned about efforts by front companies and other intermediaries, who are not the true final end users, to transship or reexport U.S.-origin items to the Russian Federation in violation of current export controls. To prevent unauthorized reexports to Russia, especially for transactions involving nationally security-controlled items or items listed in Supplement…

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Sanctions Against Russia Put Squeeze on U.S. Exporters

By Mike Frail, Senior Advisor As if export control reforms weren’t enough of a burden, U.S. exporters now have their plates pretty full with various sanctions imposed against Russia. U.S.-Russia relations have been strained since the annexation (or occupation) of Crimea, rebel fighting in eastern Ukraine, and the tragic downing of Malaysian Flight MH17. These…

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