Truck Carriers Push Rate Increases

Truck Carriers Push Rate Increases

If you look in any transportation trade journal, you may have seen articles about driver shortages, equipment investments, and the rising costs of regulations, taxes, tolls and other carrier expenses. These factors are what many carriers speak about when talking rate increase with shippers. Some experts are predicting rates to increase in the next year…

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A Quick Reminder for Food Importers

A Quick Reminder for Food Importers

The FDA's Food Safety & Modernization Act (FMSA) requires domestic and foreign food facilities that manufacture, process, pack, or hold food for human or animal consumption in the U.S. to register with the FDA. Registration must be renewed every other year during the period of October 1 to December 31. As of 1/1/2015, food importers…

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Terminals Reopen at Port of LA

Terminals at the Port of Los Angeles resumed normal operations last night, after being closed due to a fire that broke out on Monday night. According to an ABC News wire, the port’s spokesman “estimated a few thousand employees, mostly longshore workers, were sent home Tuesday.” With that many longshore workers missing a shift, cargo…

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Fire at Port of LA

Some terminals at the Port of Los Angeles are closed today due to a fire that broke out last night. According to the LA Times, about 850 terminal employees were evacuated on Monday as a precaution. Firefighters are still battling the blaze, which has been contained as of Monday night. Today’s terminal closures will only…

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All About ACE

All About ACE

U.S. Customs recently released their ACEopedia to educate importers, exporters, and the trade community on current and upcoming capabilities of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). Those new or just getting started with ACE will want to check out this great informational resource, which gives a general overview of what ACE is all about. The ACEopedia…

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Solve Your Shipping Disputes

Solve Your Shipping Disputes

Have a shipping dispute that you want resolved without lengthy and expensive litigation? Then consider taking advantage of one of the FMC's free mediation services offered to the shipping public through its Consumer Affairs & Dispute Resolution Services. The FMC's Alternative Dispute Resolution services can be used for disputes involving commercial or personal cargo shipped…

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Typhoon Kalmaegi Approaching Hong Kong

Typhoon Kalmaegi Approaching Hong Kong

China’s national weather service has issued an orange alert, the second most severe, for incoming typhoon Kalmaegi, which is expected to land in China on Tuesday morning. The typhoon plowed through the Philippines on Sunday, causing flooding and landslides in the northeast provinces. Chinese authorities issued a disaster relief alert Monday morning for the southeastern…

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Transpacific Carriers Announce Sept 1 GRI

Transpacific carriers continue to increase rates through this strong peak season. They've announced a General Rate Increase (GRI) to be effective September 1, but have not settled on the rate level. Our early indications are that the increase may be heavily mitigated by many of the lines, with further erosion of rates as the peak…

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